What is this campaign?

Currently, 210 countries are registered in World Taekwondo. This number is higher than the number of countries in the United Nations (193). Taekwondo practitioners around the world are estimated to be over 100 million people.

However, still many people are not aware of the benefits of Taekwondo not only in one’s physical health but also in one’s character and heart.

What if Taekwondo becomes a part of PE classes worldwide?

This campaign aims to bring Taekwondo into the official PE subject of schools worldwide. We hope to spread the benefits Taekwondo has on youth.

Furthermore, we hope Taekwondo students can know much more about Korea, the home country of Taekwondo, by learning Korean culture and history at Taekwondo kwans.

Our goal is to have Taekwondo kwans around the world as a nongovernmental embassy of Korea, teaching not only skills and virtues of Taekwondo, but also Korean culture and history where Taekwondo stems from.


We hope to:

  1. Make Taekwondo the official subject of pre, elementary, middle, and high schools worldwide.
  2. Supply resources for Korean history and cultures to Taekwondo classes worldwide.
  3. Distribute world maps with correct annotations of Dokdo and East Sea to Taekwondo classes worldwide.

Are you interested in Taekwondo?

Help us bring Taekwondo and Korea to the world classroom!!