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Taekwondo, Korean Martial Art for Everyone around the World
Become Friends with Korea, the country of Taekwondo!

Taekwondo is a popular Korean martial art and a global sport. Over the course of its 5000 years of history, Korea has developed many different forms of martial arts. Taekwondo is a modernized version of a Korean traditional martial art. It became an Olympic sport in 2000. Now, it is a global sport that is practiced by 80 million people around the world.

In Taekwondo, practitioners attack and defend with their bare hands and feet, not using weapons. A defining characteristic of Taekwondo as a martial art is its kicking technique. Taekwondo uses different kinds of very fast and powerful kicks. Many people are familiar with Taekwondo kicks because they are often featured in movies. Taekwondo training includes Poomsae (a set of forms), sparring, and breaking. Poomsae is systematic sets of movements that combine attack and defense techniques. Its level of difficulty gradually increases. Sparring is a training method in which practitioners practice their attack and defense techniques by fighting with an opponent. Olympic Taekwondo is competition sparring. Breaking is a training method in which practitioners use their power and techniques to break hard objects. As a Korean traditional martial art, Taekwondo reflects a Korean traditional philosophy. For this reason, Taekwondo training emphasizes both physical and mental training and respect for opponents.

Through Taekwondo, people around the world become one across cultures, ethnicities, history and culture. The globalization of Taekwondo is due to the promotion efforts of dedicated Korean Taekwondo practitioners. Since the 1960s, Korean Taekwondo practitioners have gone abroad to spread Taekwondo. Today, many young Koreans travel across the world to teach Taekwondo and promote the values of peace, friendship, and humanity. Are you interested in becoming friends with these Koreans? Become friends with Korea, the country of Taekwondo!


Traditional Martial Arts_Taekwondo
Taekwondo is Korea’s traditional martial art and sport. It is a global and Olympic sport that has gained worldwide popularity. As of March 2014, the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) has 206 member nations. Taekwondo is a kind of martial art that only uses hands and feet and no other weapons. It is characterized by a variety of powerful kicks. Taekwondo emphasizes the discipline of both body and mind, as well as respect for others.
