Why You Should Learn Taekwondo

Image Reference: Wikimedia


Today, physical exercise is widely proven to benefit not only physical but also cognitive development. Furthermore, when physical exercise is practiced earlier in the development stage, the better its effect. Therefore, the adaption of adequate physical exercise to the physical education curriculum in schools is necessary for the effective development of juveniles.


Research by Lakes et al. incorporated Taekwondo in PE sessions of public middle schools. It revealed that the majority of students who practiced Takeowndo improved in self-control and physical fitness. It concluded that Taekwondo is “both feasible and acceptable to implement in a public school.”


Taekwondo is described as a total body workout incorporating both aerobic and anaerobic exercises. Through its kicking and punching movements, extensor muscles are most stimulated. These movements can also stimulate the growth plates of children at growing stages, thus aiding in their physical growth and development. It also brings all the basic benefits of exercise such as the decrease of fat, increase of muscle, and development of flexibility, adaptability, and agility. Further effects include stress relief by stimulation of hormones, for example, dopamine and serotonin, and strengthening of bones and muscles.


Image Reference:뉴스다임


Alongside its physical benefits, Taekwondo also accentuates other types of virtues related to spiritual and ethical aspects. ‘Seon’ philosophy, highlighting loyalty, filial piety, and rightfulness, acts as the pivotal idea of the Taekwondo spirit. Taekwondo values and philosophy is more discussed at Taekwondo Values.


Taekwondo is an excellent exercise that trains both body and mind. It emphasizes moderation and being courageous to the strong and kind to the weak. The movements themselves increase stamina and strength. If you are searching for martial arts training that helps you to grow both physically and spiritually, Taekwondo is the perfect choice.